
1. 医药器械检验检测



图 1. 医药器械检验检测



图 2. 医药器械检验检测


1. Qing Ye, Chang-Yu Hsieh, Ziyi Yang, Yu Kang, Jiming Chen, Dongsheng Cao*, Shibo He*, Tingjun Hou*, A unified drug-target interaction prediction framework based on knowledge graph and recommendation system, Nature Communications, 2021, 12, 6775.

2. Jike Wang, Chang-Yu Hsieh, Mingyang Wang, Xiaorui Wang, Zhenxing Wu, Dejun Jiang, Benben Liao, Xujun Zhang, Bo Yang, Qiaojun He, Dongsheng Cao*, Xi Chen*, Tingjun Hou*, Multi-constraint molecular generation based on conditional transformer, knowledge distillation and reinforcement learning, Nature Machine Intelligence, 2021, 3, 914-922.

3. Mingyang Wang, Zhe Wang, Huiyong Sun, Jike Wang, Chao Shen, Gaoqi Weng, Xin Chai, Honglin Li*, Dongsheng Cao*, Tingjun Hou*, Deep learning approaches for de novo drug design: an overview, Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 2022, 72, 135-144.

4. Dejun Jiang, Chang-Yu Hsieh, Zhenxing Wu, Yu Kang, Jike Wang, Ercheng Wang, Ben Liao, Chao Shen, Lei Xu, Jian Wu*, Dongsheng Cao*, Tingjun Hou*, InteractionGraphNet: a novel and efficient deep graph representation learning framework for accurate protein-ligand interaction predictions, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2021, 64, 18209-18232.

5. Chao Shen, Ye Hu, Zhe Wang, Xujun Zhang, Haiyang Zhong, Gaoang Wang, Xiaojun Yao, Lei Xu, Dongsheng Cao*, Tingjun Hou*, Can machine learning consistently improve the scoring power of classical scoring functions? Insights into the role of machine learning in scoring functions, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 22, 497-514.

6. Chao Shen, Ye Hu, Zhe Wang, Xujun Zhang, Jinping Pang, Gaoang Wang, Haiyang Zhong, Lei Xu, Dongsheng Cao*, Tingjun Hou*, Beware of the generic machine learning-based scoring functions in structure-based virtual screening, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 22, bbaa070.

7. Chao Shen, Junjie Ding, Zhe Wang, Dongsheng Cao, Xiaoqin Ding, Tingjun Hou*, From machine learning to deep learning: advances in scoring functions for computational docking, WIRES Computational Molecular Science, 2020, 10, e1429.

8. Xujun Zhang, Chao Shen, Xueying Guo, Zhe Wang, Gaoqi Weng, Qing Ye, Gaoang Wang, Qiaojun He, Bo Yang*, Dongsheng Cao*, Tingjun Hou*, ASFP (Artificial Intelligence based Scoring Function Platform): a web server for the development of customized scoring functions, Journal of Cheminformatics, 2021, 13, 6.

9. Guoli Xiong, Yue Zhao, Lu Liu, Zhongye Ma, Aiping Lu, Yan Cheng, Tingjun Hou*, Dongsheng Cao*, Computational bioactivity fingerprint similarities to navigate the discovery of novel scaffolds, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2021, 64, 7544-7554.

10. Xueping Hu, Liu Yang, Xin Chai, Yixuan Lei, Md Shah Alam, Lu Liu, Chao Shen, Dejun Jiang, Zhe Wang, Zhiyong Liu, Lei Xu, Kanglin Wan, Tianyu Zhang, Yuelan Yin, Dongsheng Cao*, Dan Li*, Tingjun Hou*, Discovery of novel DprE1 inhibitors via computational bioactivity fingerprints and structure-based virtual screening, Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2022, in press.

11. Sheng Tian, Junmei Wang, Youyong Li, Dan Li, Lei Xu, Tingjun Hou*, The application of in silico drug-likeness predictions in pharmaceutical research, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2015, 86, 2-10.

12. 12. Tailong Lei, Huiyong Sun, Yu Kang, Feng Zhu. Hui Liu, Wenfang Zhou, Zhe Wang, Dan Li, Youyong Li, Tingjun Hou*, ADMET evaluation in drug discovery. 18. Reliable prediction of chemical-induced urinary tract toxicity by boosting machine learning approaches, Molecular Pharmaceutics,2017, 14, 3935-3953.

13. Tailong Lei, Fu Chen, Hui Liu, Huiyong Sun, Yu Kang, Dan Li, Youyong Li, Tingjun Hou*, ADMET evaluation in drug discovery. 17. Development of quantitative and qualitative prediction models for chemical-induced respiratory toxicity, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2017, 14, 2407-2421.

14. Zhenxing Wu, Tailong Lei, Chao Shen, Zhe Wang, Dongsheng Cao, Tingjun Hou*, ADMET Evaluation in Drug Discovery. 19. Reliable Prediction of Human Cytochrome P450 Inhibition Using Artificial Intelligence Approaches, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2019, 59, 4587-4601.

15. 15. Ziyi Yang, Junhong He, Aiping Lu, Tingjun Hou*, Dongsheng Cao*, The Application of Negative Design to Design More Desirable Virtual Screening Library, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, 63, 4411-4429.

16. Tailong Lei, Huiyong Sun, Yu Kang, Feng Zhu. Hui Liu, Wenfang Zhou, Zhe Wang, Dan Li, Youyong Li, Tingjun Hou*, ADMET evaluation in drug discovery. 18. Reliable prediction of chemical-induced urinary tract toxicity by boosting machine learning approaches, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2017, 14, 3935-3953.

17. Zhenxing Wu, Dejun Jiang, Jike Wang, Chang-Yu Hsieh*, Dongsheng Cao*, Tingjun Hou*, Mining Toxicity Information from Large Amounts of Toxicity Data, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2021, 64, 6924-6936.

18. Xiaochen Zhang, Chengkun Wu, Zhijiang Yang, Zhenxing Wu, Jiacai Yi, Changyu Hsieh, Tingjun Hou*, Dongsheng Cao*, MG-BERT: leveraging unsupervised atomic representation learning for molecular property prediction, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 22, bbab152.

19. Zhenxing Wu, Dejun Jiang, Jike Wang, Xujun Zhang, Hongyan Du, Lurong Pan, Changyu Hsieh*, Dongsheng Cao*, Tingjun Hou*, Knowledge-based BERT: a method to extract molecular features like computational chemists, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022, bbac131.

20. Guoli Xiong, Zhenxing Wu, Jiacai Yi, Li Fu, Zhijiang Yang, Changyu Hsieh, Mingzhu Yin, Xiangxiang Zeng, Chengkun Wu, Aiping Lu, Xiang Chen, Tingjun Hou*, Dongsheng Cao*, ADMETlab 2.0: an integrated online platform for accurate and comprehensive predictions of ADMET properties, Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, 49(W1), W5-W14.

2. 代谢组学


代谢组学是继基因组学和蛋白质组学之后新近发展起来的一门学科,是系统生物学的重要组成部分。之后得到迅速发展并渗透到多项领域,比如疾病诊断、医药研制开发、营养食品科学、毒理学、环境学,植物学等与人类健康护理密切相关的领域。基因组学和蛋白质组学分别从基因和蛋白质层面探寻生命的活动,而实际上细胞内许多生命活动是发生在代谢物层面的,如细胞信号释放(cell signaling),能量传递,细胞间通信等都是受代谢物调控的。代谢组学正是研究代谢组(metabolome)——在某一时刻细胞内所有代谢物的集合——的一门学科。基因与蛋白质的表达紧密相连,而代谢物则更多地反映了细胞所处的环境,这又与细胞的营养状态,药物和环境污染物的作用,以及其它外界因素的影响密切相关。因此有人认为,“基因组学和蛋白质组学告诉你什么可能会发生,而代谢组学则告诉你什么确实发生了。”(Bill Lasley, UC Davis)

代谢组学的概念来源于代谢组,代谢组是指某一生物或细胞在一特定生理时期内所有的低分子量代谢产物,代谢组学则是对某一生物或细胞在一特定生理时期内所有低分子量代谢产物同时进行定性和定量分析的一门新学科 (Goodacre,2004)。它是以组群指标分析为基础,以高通量检测和数据处理为手段,以信息建模与系统整合为目标的系统生物学的一个分支。


图 3. 代谢组学


1. Ercheng Wang, Huiyong Sun, Junmei Wang, Zhe Wang, Hui Liu, John Z.H. Zhang*, Tingjun Hou*, End-Point binding free energy calculation with MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA: strategies and applications in drug design, Chemical Reviews, 2019, 119, 9478-9508.

2. Ercheng Wang, Gaoqi Weng, Huiyong Sun, Hongyan Du, Feng Zhu, Fu Chen, Zhe Wang, Tingjun Hou*, Assessing the performance of the MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA methods. 10. Impacts of Enhanced Sampling and Variable Dielectric Model on Protein-Protein Interactions, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21, 18958-18969.

3. Gaoqi Weng, Ercheng Wang, Fu Chen, Huiyong Sun, Zhe Wang, Tingjun Hou*, Assessing the performance of the MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA methods. 9. Prediction reliability of binding affinities and binding poses for protein-peptide complexes, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21, 10135-10145.

4. Fu Chen, Huiyong Sun, Junmei Wang, Feng Zhu, Hui Liu, Zhe Wang, Tailong Lei, Youyong Li, Tingjun Hou*, Assessing the performance of MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA methods. 8. Predicting binding free energies and poses of protein-RNA complexes, RNA, 2018, 24, 1183-1194.

5. Huiyong Sun, Lili Duan, Fu Chen, Hui Liu, Zhe Wang, Peichen Pan, Feng Zhu, John Z. H. Zhang, Tingjun Hou*, Assessing the performance of MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA methods. 7. Entropy effects on the performance of end-point binding free energy calculation approaches, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20, 14450-14460.

6. Fu Chen, Hui Liu, Huiyong Sun, Peichen Pan, Youyong Li, Dan Li, Tingjing Hou*, Assessing the performance of the MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA methods. 6. Capability to predict protein-protein binding free energies and re-rank binding poses generated by protein-protein docking, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18, 22129-22139.

7. Huiyong Sun, Youyong Li, Mingyun Shen, Sheng Tian, Lei Xu, Peichen Pan, Yan Guan, Tingjun Hou*, Assessing the Performance of MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA Methods. 5. Improved Docking Performance by Using High Solute Dielectric Constant MM/GBSA and MM/PBSA Rescoring, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16, 22035-22045.

8. Huiyong Sun, Youyong Li, Sheng Tian, Lei Xu, Tingjun Hou*, Assessing the Performance of MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA Methods. 4. Accuracies of MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA Methodologies Evaluated by Various Simulation Protocols using PDBbind Data Set, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16, 16719-16729.

9. Lei Xu, Huiyong Sun, Youyong Li, Junmei Wang, Tingjun Hou*, Assessing the Performance of MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA Methods. 3. The Impact of Force Fields and Ligand Charge Models, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2013, 117, 8408-8421.

10. Tingjun Hou*, Junmei Wang, Youyong Li, Wei Wang*, Assessing the performance of the Molecular Mechanics/Poisson Boltzmann Surface Area and Molecular Mechanics/ Generalized Born Surface Area methods. II. The accuracy of ranking poses generated from docking, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2011, 32, 866-877.

11. Tingjun Hou*, Junmei Wang, Youyong Li, Wei Wang*, Assessing the performance of the MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA methods: I. The accuracy of binding free energy calculations based on molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2011, 51, 69-82.

12. Ercheng Wang, Weitao Fu, Dejun Jiang, Huiyong Sun, Junmei Wang, Xujun Zhang, Gaoqi Weng, Hui Liu, Peng Tao, and Tingjun Hou*, VAD-MM/GBSA: A Variable Atomic Dielectric MM/GBSA Model for Improved Accuracy in Protein–Ligand Binding Free Energy Calculations, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2021, 61, 2844-2856.

13. Ercheng Wang, Hui Liu, Junmei Wang, Gaoqi Weng, Huiyong Sun, Zhe Wang, Yu Kang, Tingjun Hou*, Development and Evaluation of MM/GBSA Based on a Variable Dielectric GB Model for Predicting Protein-Ligand Binding Affinities, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2020, 60, 5353-5365.

14. Gaoqi Weng, Ercheng Wang, Zhe Wang, Hui Liu, Feng Zhu, Dan Li, Tingjun Hou*, HawkDock: a web server to predict and analyze the protein-protein complex based on computational docking and MM/GBSA, Nucleic Acids Research, 2019, 47, W322-W330.

15. Hui Liu, Tingjun Hou*, CaFE: a tool for binding affinity prediction using end-point free energy methods, Bioinformatics, 2016, 32, 2216-2218.

16. Zhe Wang, Xuwen Wang, Youyong Li, Tailong Lei, Ercheng Wang, Dan Li, Yu Kang, Feng Zhu, Tingjun Hou*, farPPI: a webserver for accurate prediction of protein-ligand binding structures for small-molecule PPI inhibitors by MM/PB(GB)SA methods, Bioinformatics, 2019, 35, 1777-1779.

17. Tingjun Hou*, Nan Li, Youyong Li, Wei Wang*, Characterization of domain-peptide interaction interface: prediction of SH3 domain-mediated protein-protein interaction network in yeast by generic structure-based models, Journal of Proteome Research, 2012, 11, 2982-2995.

18. Zheng Xu#, Tingjun Hou# (co-first author), Nan Li, Yang Xu, Wei Wang, Proteome-wide detection of Abl1 SH3 binding peptides by integrating computational prediction and peptide microarray, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 2012, 11, O111.010389.

19. Sheng Tian, Huiyong Sun, Youyong Li, Dan Li, Tingjun Hou*, Development and evaluation of an integrated virtual screening strategy by combining molecular docking and pharmacophore searching based on multiple protein structures, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2013, 53, 2743-2756.

20. Xiaotian Kong, Huiyong Sun, Peichen Pan, Feng Zhu, Shan Chang, Lei Xu, Youyong Li, Tingjun Hou*, Importance of protein flexibility in molecular recognition: a case study on Type-I1/2 inhibitors of ALK, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20, 4851-4863.

3. 中药现代化和可解释性研究



1. Rui Shi, Peichen Pan, Rui Lv, Chongqing Ma, Enhui Wu, Ruochen Guo, Zhihao Zhao, Hexing Song, Joe Zhou, Yang Liu, Guoqiang Xu, Tingjun Hou*, Zhenhui Kang*, Jian Liu*, High-throughput glycolytic inhibitor discovery targeting glioblastoma by graphite dots-assisted LDI mass spectrometry, Science Advances, 2022, 8, eabl4923.

2. Xin Chai, Huiyong Sun, Wenfang Zhou, Changwei Chen, Luhu Shan, Yuhui Yang, Junzhao He, Jinping Pang, Liu Yang, Xinyue Wang, Sunliang Cui, Yaqin Fu, Xiaohong Xu, Lei Xu, Xiaojun Yao, Dan Li*, Tingjun Hou*, Discovery of N-(4-(Benzyloxy)-phenyl)-sulfonamide Derivatives as novel antagonists of the human androgen receptor targeting the activation function 2, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2022, 65, 2507-2521.

3. Jinping Pang, Chao Shen, Wenfang Zhou, Yunxia Wang, Luhu Shan, Xin Chai, Ying Shao, Xueping Hu, Feng Zhu, Danyan Zhu, Li Xiao, Lei Xu, Xiaohong Xu, Dan Li*, Tingjun Hou*, Discovery of novel antagonists targeting the DNA binding domain of androgen receptor by integrated docking-based virtual screening and bioassays, Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2022, 43, 229-239.

4. Weitao Fu, Minkui Zhang, Jianing Liao, Qing Tang, Yixuan Lei, Zhou Gong, Luhu Shan, Mojie Duan, Xin Chai, Jinping Pang, Chun Tang, Xuwen Wang, Xiaohong Xu, Dan Li*, Rong Sheng*, Tingjun Hou*, Discovery of a novel androgen receptor antagonist manifesting evidence to disrupt the dimerization of the ligand-binding domain via attenuating the hydrogen-bonding network, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2021, 64, 17221-17238.

5. Qin Tang, Weitao Fu, Minkui Zhang, Ercheng Wang, Lvhu Shan, Xin Chai, Jinping Pang, Xuwen Wang, Xiaohong Xu, Lei Xu, Dan Li*, Rong Sheng*, Tingjun Hou*, Novel androgen receptor antagonist identified by structure-based virtual screening, structural optimization, and biological evaluation, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, 192, 112156.

6. Wenfang Zhou, Mojie Duan, Weitao Fu, Jinping Pang, Qin Tang, Huiyong Sun, Lei Xu, Shan Chang, Dan Li*, Tingjun Hou*, Discovery of Novel Androgen Receptor Ligands by Structure-based Virtual Screening and Bioassays, Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 2019, 16, 416-427.

7. Xueping Hu, Jinping Pang, Jintu Zhang, Chao Shen, Xin Chai, Ercheng Wang, Haiyi Chen, Xuwen Wang, Mojie Duan, Weitao Fu, Lei Xu, Yu Kang, Dan Li*, Hongguang Xia*, Tingjun Hou*, Discovery of novel GR ligands towards druggable GR antagonist conformations identified by MD Simulations and Markov state model analysis, Advanced Science, 2022, 9, 2102435.

8. Weitao Fu, Ercheng Wang, Di Ke, Hao Yang, Lingfeng Chen, Jingjing Shao, Xueping Hu, Lei Xu, Na Liu*, Tingjun Hou*, Discovery of a novel Fusarium Graminearum Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase (FgGpmk1) inhibitor for the treatment of fusarium head blight, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2021, 64, 13841-13852.

9. Yuan Wang, ZheWang, Jiacheng Liu, Yunwen Wang, Rui Wu, Rong Sheng*, Tingjun Hou*, Discovery of novel HBV capsid assembly modulators by structure-based virtual screening and bioassays, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2021, 36, 116096.

4. 基于多尺度分子模拟的靶标-配体识别作用机制研究

传统实验方法(X-ray和NMR)可以有效地表征蛋白或蛋白-配体的静态或准静态结构,但是无法描述配体−靶标之间的动态识别过程。在这种情况下,全原子模拟(包括常规动力学模拟和增强采样动力学模拟)可以辅助实验技术捕捉原子层次的动力学和热力学作用机制。我们采用常规动力学模拟和增强采样动力学模拟技术(如元动力学、伞形采样、适配性偏向力等方法)揭示了许多复杂的分子机制,开展了药物分子耐药性机制、ABC转运蛋白作用机制、小分子保留时间计算等方面的理论分析 [1-15]。例如,通过元动力学模拟对小分子抑制剂结合与解离过程中势能面的表征,我们发现ROS1激酶中G2032R突变可以从两方面影响crizotinib的结合,其中ROS1中僵硬的P-loop区既可以直接降低crizotinib的结合,同时又可以显著缩减crizotinib在G2032R突变型ROS1中的保留时间,从而产生强烈耐药性 [11](图5)。

图 5. Crizotinib 从 G2032R-ROS1 解离的能景图


1. Haiyi Chen, Rui Zhou, Jinping Pang, Yue Guo, Jiawen Chen, Yu Kang*, Mojie Duan*, Tingjun Hou*, Molecular view on the dissociation pathways and transactivation regulation mechanism of nonsteroidal GR ligands, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2022, in press.

2. Haiyi Chen, Yu Kang, Mojie Duan*, Tingjun Hou*, Regulation mechanism for the binding between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and host angiotensin-converting enzyme II, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2021, 12, 6252-6261.

3. Yongchang Xu, Haiyi Chen, Huimin Zhang, Saif Ullah, Tingjun Hou*, Youjun Feng*, The MCR-3 inside linker appears as a facilitator of colistin resistance, Cell Reports, 2021, 35, 109135.

4. Ye Jin, Mojie Duan, Xuwen Wang, Xiaotian Kong, Wenfang Zhou, Huiyong Sun, Hui Liu, Dan Li, Huidong Yu, Youyong Li*, Tingjun Hou*, Communication between the ligand-binding pocket (LBP) and the activation function-2 (AF2) domain of androgen receptor revealed by molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2019, 59, 842-857.

5. Na Liu, Wenfang Zhou, Yue Guo, Junmei Wang, Weitao Fu, Huiyong Sun, Dan Li, Mojie Duan*, Tingjun Hou*, Molecular Dynamics Simulations Revealed the Regulation of Ligands to the Interactions between Androgen Receptor and Its Coactivator, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2018, 58, 1652-1661.

6. Huiyong Sun, Youyong Li, Mingyun Shen, Dan Li, Yu Kang. Tingjun Hou*, Characterizing drug-target residence time with metadynamics: how to achieve dissociation rate efficiently without losing accuracy against much time-consuming approaches, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2017, 57, 1895-1906.

7. Mojie Duan, Na Liu, Wenfang Zhou, Dan Li, Minghui Yang*, Tingjun Hou*, Structural diversity of ligand-binding androgen receptors revealed by microsecond long molecular dynamics simulations and enhanced sampling, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2016, 12, 4611-4619.